Saturday, February 9, 2013

What"s Happening to us

When I look at the news today and saw the funeral for the slain 15 year old Hadiya Pendleton my heart really sunk.  I really wonder how many of us have gotten so accustomed to people being killed before they are 20 years old that her death was a shock but not enough to cause us to look inward to discover what really matters to us. 

Hadiya was a honor student and majorette from he Chicago, IL. school.  She died after taking a trip to Washington D.C. to participate in events surrounding the Presidents Inauguration.  After the events were over and her team heading back to Chicago she arrived only to be killed before she really had a chance to live.

I really wonder what is happening to us when we get used to death and murder.  I wonder what is happening to us when we can turn on the news about such things and go right to the next movie.  Some of us don't stop to reflect, stop to pray, nor stop to care.  Her family and so many others prepared to mourn her passing and for so many of us life just goes on.

Hadiya Pendleton

Here in Pittsburgh we have seen so many Hadiya's dying too early too.   I am from Homestead, Pa. and on the street where I grew up Police sit there everyday because so many have gotten shot in that area. When someone dies there is news for a day or two then we all go back to normal. We have been so desensitized and man of us don't realize how much we have lost.  I only wanted to write this so we would not forget Hadiya and the hundreds who have died before her before they ever lived. 

We should be looking for things to do in our city that bring us together.  I recently participated in a start-up business called What's Happening In Pittsburgh and I felt to title this "What's Happening to us" because my business is all about giving people options.  We list events and things to do today in the city.  I wish the man who killed Hadiya had a life that was full and saw a reson to let everyone else life.  I hope you have a life and when you consider our city you will find something productive to do tonight, tomorrow and everyday after.  We cannot forget this young lady and we must pray that the people who do not value life with have an inner awakening to the reality that it is worth living and people deserve to live out theirs.

Hadiya Pendleton, gone but not forgotten, not even in Pittsburgh

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